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Nature Adventure Crew

"Nature  Walks are always the highlight of my kids' year. They remember them and refer back to hikes we took years prior. It isn't a day off from learning. Quite the opposite. It is one of the most important things we do as a homeschool family."

-Kari L.

Nature Adventure Crew

Adventure Crews head out a few times each month for small group adventures--some near to home and some further away. Families have full control over with whom and when they will adventure--so members can design their own adventure schedules. We firmly believe that parents know what is best!

Becoming a member of All Good Things Nature Adventure Crew means that you will have special access to our carefully curated adventure locations, nature guides and tips for the month, as well as downloadable family nature highlight cards to help guide your field observations and give tools for nature journaling together.

Our team has selected 2-3 adventure locations per month based on the time of year and current weather patterns. Families can take the guides and head out on their own, or can join up with one of our crews--listed on the calendar and only accessible to members of our Nature Adventure Crew...because hiking with friends is just plain fun!

The cost to join is $15 per family for the entire year. The cost includes access to the guides, crew calendar, nature highlight cards, and also covers the web hosting costs for the emails and groupings!


A warm, welcoming, easy-going community of home school families in Southern California who celebrate creation and family together through meaningful play, fellowship, adventure  and exploration.

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"All good things are wild and free."    -Henri David Thoreau

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